I think that after high school, I will be able to use google drive alot more. With google drive you can share with other people and give them the ablility to edit the document without saving a whole bunch of copies and have someone do one thing and it already be done and have it be a mess. Also google drive shares instantly, you dont have to worry about saving an importaint document or losing it. Google drive can also be opened with any computer, you dont have to worry if you have word or another type of program. I dont think I will ever blog in my life after this on blogger though. Im sorry to all of my fans that love me out there but after this year is up, I doubt ill do it, I really dont think I will have the time to do it after this class is up. That and I really dont like putting my personal information up on here, with facebook and twitter, I can control who sees that. On here I have no idea who veiws it or what. So after this class, its bye for good.
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